It seems to me, all things considered, that the market is, for Massimiliano Camellini, a misleading subject and that the context of the characters may not be so important as it may appear at first glance. Indeed, the so-called Punctum of each image is the attitude of any person, their way of presenting themselves, assuming a pose. Certainly Camellini knows the work of the great photography masters well: one among all, Sander. His “poses” exclude any cooperation with the subject, the admission of suggestions or instructions. More simply it is an interlocutory view, a communication code expressed through signals, which asks permission to shoot and gets, finally, a “spontaneous pose”, even though such definition could be contradictory and makes us think of an oxymoron. Nevertheless, in this “wink of an eye”, as the French would say, lies all the naturalness of this work, and this is one of the values of the series.
(Vasco Ascolini 1999)