The project reveals the social and cultural transformation of locations formerly dedicated to working and/or commercial activities, living, leisure, into “houses of God”.

Small warehouses, industries, laboratories, farms have been forced to stop their activity, due to the globalization, or the change of political and economic paradigms. The religion communities are refurbishing those places, turning them into places of pray … as such as the community of workers disappeared, some invisible communities (mostly composed by immigrants) gave them a new light and perspective (all religions are touched by the research, such as Hinduism, Catholicism, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Baptist, Islam, Sikhism, Taoism, Buddhism, and many others).
The photographic project gives a representation of all religions existing on the planet earth in order to create hopefully an anthropological research through images on the evolution of things and spaces into places of worship.

The proposal is to create a significant body of work presented through a couple of images for each place/premises; each couple is consisting, as an installation, in one image in the background showing the external (often the past) appearance of the building, and a second one suspended in front of the larger image showing the interiors where “a ribbon and a prayer” has given to such premises a new “life”.
The surrounding darkness evokes ichnographically and physically worship and prayer, and the light symbolically God’s revelation.